Get Retail Ready

Much has been written on the topics of engagement and experience in the retail environment (links to some favorites are listed below). However, in this edition of RETAIL READY we take a look at the basic fundamentals needed to create an environment conducive to great experiences.

Atmosphere — retail branches should be an inviting and familiar place where visitors feel comfortable dealing with their financial affairs. The branch should make a statement about your brand, much like your home makes a statement about who you are. Are your branches clean, well organized and free of clutter? Is the exterior well lit and maintained? Are the messages consistent with your brand?

Attitude — the manner in which a visitor is greeted and assisted will also dictate the impression they leave the branch with and spread around to their friends and family. Branch staff need to be ambassadors of your brand and continually trained on how to ensure visitors leave feeling appreciated for their business.

Remember, your visitor is going to have an experience — whether you plan one, or not. Which leads me to...

Your Retail Challenge: Visit a few of your branches this week (unannounced) and view them through the eyes of a typical branch visitor. Are your branches Retail Ready?

Some Favorites:
Human Sigma by John H. Fleming, Ph.D., Gallup Consulting
Retail Bank Customer Satisfaction Ratings from J.D. Power
The 6 Laws of Customer Experience by Bruce Temkin, Forrester Research

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