Becoming a Brand of Choice

Authenticity and relevancy are the driving forces behind most of today's purchasing decisions. No longer are the availability of goods, or the quality of service enough to gain and maintain market share.

"I like that, I am like that."
- Virginia Postrel in The Substance of Style
Consumers are looking for brands that they can personally associate with. They want to see themselves in the offering and be proud to align themselves with the brand.

The quest to become a 'brand of choice' requires an honest reflection on the heritage of an organization and the goods and services it can authentically offer. In order to be true to your customers, you must be true to yourself.

The retail channel, the place where consumers tangibly interact with your goods and services, provides an incredible opportunity to render an authentic experience that connects directly with their hearts and minds.

All aspects of your place should reflect the brand and values of the organization. Layout, décor, communications and staff interactions all contribute to the experience and influence the perception visitors have of your organization.

Your Retail Challenge: Gather a cross-functional team and discuss these questions to determine if you are rendering an experience that is authentic and relevant:
  • Are your retail locations true to your brand attributes?
  • Are branch staff effective ambassadors of your brand?
  • Does the retail experience connect with visitors on a personal level?
  • What one thing could you change in your branches to make the experience more authentic and relevant?

Some Inspiration:
Authenticity: What Consumers Really Want by Jim Gilmore & Joe Pine
The Substance of Style by Virginia Postrel
NikeID where customers can customize offerings to conform to their own self-image (creating products that are authentic and relevant)

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