Land’s End Table Toppers – inexpensive and effective, flat cardboard printed on two sides, quick easy change outs.
Bath & Body Board – sandwich board done right! taller and professional (could be a dry erase board…).
“Personality is the unique, authentic, and talkable soul of your brand that people can get passionate about.” - Rohit Bhargava in Personality not included
The concept of Surprise and Delight is not a new one (it has been famously used by Starbucks for years), but I have not heard or read about many examples in the financial services arena. Financial institutions are known to have a certain facelessness and lack personality.
By developing a program to rally your employees around and allow them to express a little of your defined brand personality will create deeper connection with your customers and employees. Think how powerful it would be if the next interaction your customer has with your brand left them with a big smile and a story to tell (a positive one).
Your Retail Challenge: Small things can even do the trick, think about the ways you could surprise and delight your customers. To get the ideas flowing consider aspects of a branch visit:
Also, consider special events, like customer birthdays or account anniversaries.
Some Favorites:
Personality not included by Rohit Bhargava
Creating Customer Commitment in Retail from Aberdeen Group
The Consumerist Where Shoppers Bite Back
"I like that, I am like that."Consumers are looking for brands that they can personally associate with. They want to see themselves in the offering and be proud to align themselves with the brand.
- Virginia Postrel in The Substance of Style
Some Inspiration:
Authenticity: What Consumers Really Want by Jim Gilmore & Joe Pine
The Substance of Style by Virginia Postrel
NikeID where customers can customize offerings to conform to their own self-image (creating products that are authentic and relevant)
The American Bankers Association reports the average U.S. bank has an attrition rate of 12 to 15%—and some as high as 25%!In today's competitive environment, efforts to keep the customer should be as well planned as programs designed to attract them in the first place. The best way to improve the probability of loyalty is by increasing the depth of the relationship. Studies show the more products a consumer has with your organization the less likely they are to defect over time.